

  • Product launches

    • We now support customer segmentation! You can create groups of customers and enroll the segment in a campaign. See full documentation here. For now, segments are hard-coded sets of customers but data-based segments are coming soon!
    • We now send webhooks for unsubscribe events. You can configure webhooks in the dashboard
    • You can now batch create customers. Use POST /businesses/:id/customers/batch to create multiple customers at once. Note: failure to create any one customer will rollback all customer creations
  • Improvements

    • You can now hide the “Save” and “Send Test Email” buttons in the email template editor. Pass ?hide_save_button=true to hide the “Save” button, ?hide_send_test_email_button=true to hide the “Send Test Email” button, or ?hide_buttons=true to hide both

    • You can now trigger the “Send Test Email” dialog from outside the iframe. Simply send { pocketflows: true, action: "openTestEmailDialog" } to the iframe’s content window

    • The iframe hosting the email template editor now posts the resulting email template object to the parent window. Previously, this was only posted when the save was triggered by a message to the iframe

    • The email template editor now shows a placeholder when there is no content in the email template

    • POST /businesses/:id/email_templates with a simple payload of { name: "your template name here", subject: "your subject" } now fills template_json with a sane default

    • The attachment icon in the email template editor now shows the count of attachments


  • Product launches
    • We now support unsubscribing customers from individual campaigns, all campaigns, or all and future campaigns
      • Endpoints are available and documented here
      • We also host embeddable unsubscribe pages, which you can attach to your email templates. Full documentation here
  • Improvements
    • We updated the formatting of timestamps in our dashboard for better readability (previously Unix timestamps!)


  • Improvements

    • SMS templates now support preview images. Simply provide /sms_templates/:id/preview.png as the source of an img HTML tag.
    • Campaigns now support preview images. These render all email and SMS templates within the campaign. Provide /campaigns/:id/preview.png as the source of an img HTML tag.
  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed issues where email template preview images would not render the full height of the image. Preview images now include the full height of the template


  • Improvements

    • Campaigns now pipe through customer and business metadata
    • Campaigns are now “type-checked” before being started. Campaigns that have email steps must have an attached email address, and those that have SMS steps must have an attached phone number. If variables are referenced in email or SMS steps, the business and subscribed customers must define the relevant metadata.
    • You can now send test emails from the email template editor. Click the “Send Test Email” button in the top right to open a dialog.
    • You can now view preview images of email templates. Simply provide /email_templates/:id/preview.png as the source of an img HTML tag.
  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed issue where the first request log in the dashboard was not displayed


  • Improvements

    • Customer and business objects now support metadata. API users can post arbitrary JSON data to the metadata field on POST /businesses, POST /businesses/:id, POST /businesses/:id/customers and POST /customers/:id. The metadata is returned in the relevant GET endpoints and can be accessed in email and SMS templates

    • Email template embeds

      • You can now trigger saves in email template embeds from outside the iframe. Use the window.postMessage API to send a message to the iframe, example below:
        const iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
          { pocketflows: true, action: "save" },
      • You can now hide the top bar of the email template editor. Simply pass ?hide_top_bar=true to the GET /email_template_embeds/:id/show endpoint
    • Campaigns now return sending statistics. See how many customers are currently enrolled in the campaign and their status within the campaign. See the statistics field on the Campaign object here


  • Product launches

    • Our first AI endpoint is live! Instead of manually creating email templates, you can now describe the desired contents of the email and we’ll generate a first draft for you. Find full documentation here
  • Improvements

    • Email templates

      • Email templates now support attachments! You can now attach files to the template itself, which will be sent with every email based off the template, or at the time of sending an email. See full documentation here and here
      • You can now preview email templates in your browser via GET /email_templates/{id}/preview. See full documentation here.
    • You can now schedule campaigns to start sending at a later date rather than immediately. Specify the scheduled_at parameter when creating or updating a campaign.


  • Improvements
    • Error handling has been improved across all endpoints! If the type of a parameter is incorrect, a message is returned with the exact parameter path where the type is incorrect.
    • Errors are now returned under the errors key in the response body. errors is an array of { message: string, path: string } objects.


  • Improvements
    • Email editor
      • Images can now be resized
      • You can insert button CTAs into your emails


  • Product launches
    • Our email editor is live! You can
      • Create headings of different sizes
      • Use bold, italics, and code blocks
      • Align text
      • Insert image blocks
      • Much more to come


  • Product launches
    • Get in touch with the team by sending an email to [email protected] to have phone numbers and email addresses attached to your projects!
  • Improvements
    • You can now edit email steps directly in the campaign builder without needing to select from email templates
    • You can also edit SMS steps directly without need to select from SMS templates
    • The campaign builder now shows enrolled customers and can be used to choose which customers to enroll in the campaign


  • Our demo is live! Check it out here
  • Product launches
    • Projects can now associate project-level email domains, email addresses, and phone numbers. You can directly send messages to customers via these email addresses and phone numbers
    • Campaigns can attach project-level email addresses and phone numbers to send the steps of the campaign
    • Campaign execution is live! You can now start your campaigns and get real messages sending
  • Improvements
    • We revamped error handling and clarity across multiple endpoints


  • Improvements
    • Connected Gmails can now be attached to campaigns as the sending email


  • Launched the changelog
  • Product launches
    • Business resource endpoints
    • Employee resource endpoints
    • Customer resource endpoints
    • Gmail syncing and sending
    • Email and SMS templates
    • Campaign endpoints and embedded editor
    • Request logging in the developer dashboard
  • Improvements
    • Developer dashboard redesign
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