

  • Product launches

    • We now support customer segmentation! You can create groups of customers and enroll the segment in a campaign. See full documentation here. For now, segments are hard-coded sets of customers but data-based segments are coming soon!
    • We now send webhooks for unsubscribe events. You can configure webhooks in the dashboard
    • You can now batch create customers. Use POST /businesses/:id/customers/batch to create multiple customers at once. Note: failure to create any one customer will rollback all customer creations
  • Improvements

    • You can now hide the “Save” and “Send Test Email” buttons in the email template editor. Pass ?hide_save_button=true to hide the “Save” button, ?hide_send_test_email_button=true to hide the “Send Test Email” button, or ?hide_buttons=true to hide both

    • You can now trigger the “Send Test Email” dialog from outside the iframe. Simply send { pocketflows: true, action: "openTestEmailDialog" } to the iframe’s content window

    • The iframe hosting the email template editor now posts the resulting email template object to the parent window. Previously, this was only posted when the save was triggered by a message to the iframe

    • The email template editor now shows a placeholder when there is no content in the email template

    • POST /businesses/:id/email_templates with a simple payload of { name: "your template name here", subject: "your subject" } now fills template_json with a sane default

    • The attachment icon in the email template editor now shows the count of attachments

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